There are a lot of essential elements that go into developing and maintaining a high level of effective cybersecurity in the workplace, especially in the current day and age when so much of the workforce is operating remotely. Arguably, the job of protecting a business’s networks, applications, and information has never been more critical and more challenging. In the resource below, our team of experienced tech experts from the C&C Technology Group will explore the vital elements that employees need to understand when it comes to helping support and maintains their company’s cybersecurity.
Please continue to access more information, and also consider browsing through our wide selection of other expertly written articles to learn more about this essential topic.
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Cybersecurity: The Basics for Everyone to Note
According to data from several major tech corporations, security agencies, and even the Cyber Crime division of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), cyberattacks have skyrocketed globally over the past several years. Said attacks are actively endangering businesses and individuals alike and resulting in costs of over a trillion dollars in terms of losses and damages. According to the FBI, cyberattacks have increased by at least 300% since the coronavirus outbreak began, with complaints escalating from 1,000 to between 3,000 to 4,000 every day.
To decrease the occurrence of highly dangerous or debilitating cyberattacks from negatively impacting a business, employees need to understand the basics of cybersecurity and how to keep themselves and their devices safe from various cyber threats.
Employee Education on Cybersecurity in the Workplace
A personal cyberattack on a single employee can create a massive issue for an entire business, company, or organization, especially if the attack occurs on a business-provided device. This issue can sideline the individual, preventing them from doing their job. However, it can also lead to IT security managers and other personnel spending time fixing any prospective issue that the attack may have caused. To help prevent such incidents, it’s essential that employees are educated on the dangers of cyberattacks and cyberstalking, especially if their job requires the heavy use of technology.
Aside from being educated about different cybersecurity threats, employees also need to understand and practice effective cyber hygiene to help maintain the security and health of all the networks, devices, and data they use or come into contact with. Cyber hygiene involves a few core principles;
- Leveraging various tools and products to meet specific cyber hygiene needs.
- Performing hygienic tasks correctly and according to a routine.
- Thinking proactively about potential cybersecurity threats and operating in ways that reduce the risk of encountering said threats or other security issues.
Businesses must leverage a range of high-quality cybersecurity solutions in the current day and age to help protect the information of their clients and employees. Consider reaching out to our experts at C&C Technology Group to learn more about the range of superior security services we offer.
Workplace Training on Privacy Risks and Prospective Cyber Attacks
Proactive businesses that understand the essential nature of cybersecurity typically offer training to their employees to help ensure they understand fundamental security rules and practices that can help them avoid becoming victims of various types of cyber attacks. That said, there is much more that businesses can do to help prevent potential cyber issues.
For example, experts highly recommend that IT security personnel work intimately with human resources (HR) and take administrative action to help protect employees– and help employees defend themselves- against the impact of cyberstalking. Whether cyberstalking or other types of cyber-attacks are explicitly directed at employees, their devices, or your business, employees should be trained to always;
- Practice effective webcam awareness
- Limit opportunities for hacking, eavesdropping, or other monitoring by unsavory third parties.
- Log out of all work-related applications when away from their computers and other web-enabled devices.
- Limit physical access to all work-related technology and other web-enabled devices.
- Leverage a secure password management tool.
- Reboot devices regularly and avoid leaving technology on for extended periods- especially if they are unaccompanied.
- Be cautious of where they leave sensitive information (whether work-related or personnel).
- Avoid keeping work-related data or other vital information on personnel devices, and be cautious of where sensitive information is kept.
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Detect, Recognise, and Address Prospective Cyber Attacks
Ideally, employees should also recognize when a prospective cyber attack is taking place, though this can be more challenging than avoiding one in the first place. That said, there are plenty of tell-tale signs that employees should look out for that may indicate a current or previous cyber attack. For example, if a device;
- Seems excessively sluggish
- Experiences battery deterioration too quickly
- Has increased data usage for an unknown reason
- Exhibits suspicious activity
- Releases strange noises, like clicks, static, or echoing effects
- Has files that can’t be accessed or files go missing
- Experiences password changes for no reason
- Sends emails without prompting
- Experiences suspicious pop-ups when the internet is accessed
Then an employee should know to contact IT security services right away to have their device examined for possible effects of a cyber attack. The better an employee is at recognizing these prospective issues, the better they’ll be able to help prevent massive damage from hindering their device or causing other problems for their company.
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Final Thoughts and Factors to Consider
Our team of passionate tech experts at the C&C Technology Group hopes that the above article helps you more thoroughly understand the importance of supporting and educating employees about the essential nature of cybersecurity in the workplace. To access additional information on the importance of cybersecurity, please consider exploring our website, reaching out to us online, or calling us at (888) 263-5672 to learn about our wide range of essential services.
Are you searching for a new range of cyber security, data center, smart building, or hybrid workplace solutions for your growing business? Please consider contacting our team of passionate tech professionals at C&C Technology Group today to learn about our range of services and what they can do for you.
Last Updated on August 2, 2022 by Josh Mahan