3 New Trends in Immersive Experience to Watch

Nothing is quite as immersive and thrilling as watching your favorite band play your song live in concert. Watching anything live with others evokes a feeling of togetherness and solidarity, a feeling people really crave more than ever before. The same can be said for attending other venues like sporting events, plays, shows, or even simply walking around zoos or art galleries.

With advanced technology, now you can utilize high tech to elevate and enhance these experiences truly, and enjoy them in a new innovative way. These types of group experiences are an essential part of our culture. Furthermore, the increasing quality of immersive experiences—driven by unique projection technology—will continue to be the driving force behind human connectivity in the years to come.

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With the help of Advanced AV technologies like newer projection tech, lenses, and cameras, the immersive entertainment industry is estimated to grow at a rate of at least 7%. It is valued at $9.7B (without even including revenue from theme and amusement parks). With everyone wanting to travel again, the desire for unique experiences is in high demand, and these unique experiences are filling this gap across the globe.

The Future of Events and Immersive Experiences

Immersive experiences are just at their beginning phase and have a flourishing vast future ahead. As we look to future days, we will see these communal immersions become a bigger and better part of new and existing live experiences. Artists will look to technology companies for the necessary tools to make experiences more interactive, utilizing laser projectors, PTZ cameras, lenses, and digital displays. Adding that extra bit of entertainment to help stimulate the senses for an unforgettable experience.

C&C Technology helps your workplace showcase its next immersive experience.

Investing in AV technology or collaborating with experts in the AV field will allow groups and companies to deliver more innovative and creative experiences than ever before. Here are the top three trends that will help drive immersive live experiences in the days ahead:

Virtual System Design and Format

Formatting content to a specific space isn’t always a walk in the park, and it takes tons of resources to design the content and then fit it to the designated area. Virtual system design and formatting continue to be a massive challenge in immersive experiences, but the benefits of it can be priceless and timeless. Mobilizing these virtual systems allows designers to visualize where the technology will go in the particular space they are designing for. 

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For instance, drafting (CADD) and computer-aided designs replace manual drafting to simplify and provide a clear view of what that infrastructure will look like.

Advanced virtual systems allow playback and signaling to deliver, process, and render media. Because photo-realistic and 3D imaging help to create memorable experiences, these features will prove beneficial in supporting immersive environments. Engineers won’t stop looking for newer advanced solutions that will help create efficiencies in the formatting and content design processes.

Scaling with Quality

Scaling includes finding new and creative ways to bring immersive experiences to the creative forefront. Immersive experiences don’t just have to be limited to fixed spaces. In fact, many groups are looking at how to bring quality experiences to more mobile areas.

Investing in the best equipment ensures that no matter how small the venue and design are, it can still be just as impactful. This could mean adopting curved projection architecture and mounting cameras to utilize the space and environment best.

Drawing in an array of individuals’ attention is vital, and scaling also helps brand quality and attracts investment. For companies rolling out fixed location experiences, it’s essential to experiment and determine if an experience will do well in a specific location. 

You might have heard of these trending “pop-up” locations, like the Van Gogh Exhibitions. Without companies having to invest large amounts right away, these pop-ups can test markets and bring in local investors while driving demand and bringing awareness for the brand at the same time.

outdoor flying immersive experience

Interactivity and Immersive Experiences

Certain types of experiences like immersive sit-down experiences give people a chance just to see visuals. In contrast, walk-through experiences provide individuals with a much more immersive multisensory experience, happening in real-time. The purpose of an immersive experience is to engage all five of the human senses in a creative, innovative participatory space enjoyed by others. Many of these newer experiences balance technology and art to perfect this.

Interactivity is another way to improve guest experiences from colorful lighting and surround sound. For tasks like ensuring proper infrastructure to showcase interactivity, it’s essential to consider the role that each of these factors plays in storytelling and bringing an experience to life. Designing content to be interactive means leveraging technologies like lighting, projectors, lenses, digital signage, and cameras to display information and media in an interesting way while purposefully formatting it to fit into any given space.

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The Future is Now

Immersive experiences will be trending more and more on social media and on the news. As we look into the future of this market, we will see these forms of communal immersion become a bigger, better part of new and already existing live experiences

Creative individuals and artists of all genres will look to technology companies to provide the necessary tools to make their experiences more interactive and stimulate the senses for a never seen unforgettable experience.

Another great example is Dinos Alive Exhibit: An Immersive Experience in Los Angelos. You can literally walk through an interactive Jurassic Park-like landscape with your friends and family. Immersing yourselves in a deep dark jungle, finding moving replicas along the way. Check out all the immersive virtual reality technology you can find on your adventure. 

Companies starting to utilize tools like laser projectors, PTZ cameras, digital displays, high-resolution screens, and lenses can evolve these types of experiences into a day the customer will never forget.

Are you ready to host your own immersive experience? C&C Technology can help you make your dreams come to life. Contact us today.

Last Updated on August 2, 2022 by Josh Mahan

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