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VisionAir-E: Revolutionizing Spaces with Smart Glass Technology

Enter the innovative world of VisionAir-E, where the fusion of technology and design brings new life to glass surfaces. VisionAir-E has been a leader in developing ‘Switchable Smart Glass’ technologies, transforming glass into dynamic and interactive displays. This British manufacturer leverages over two decades of expertise to offer an array of patented smart glass products installed worldwide​​.

About VisionAir-E

Source and Video Credit: rAVe [PUBS]

VisionAir-E’s story is rooted in a profound passion for innovation in the realm of architectural and interior design technology. The company’s inception was driven by a visionary goal: to revolutionize the way glass is used in various spaces. From the beginning, VisionAir-E, an integral part of the Pro Display Group and its Intelligent Glass Division, embarked on a quest to harness the potential of Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) technology. This endeavor set the stage for a series of breakthroughs that would position VisionAir-E as a pioneer in the smart glass industry

Over the years, VisionAir-E has grown from a concept-driven startup to a leading name in the smart glass technology sector. The company’s British heritage has been instrumental in shaping its approach to manufacturing and design, emphasizing precision, quality, and innovation. This commitment has led to the development of an extensive range of patented smart glass products, each designed to offer a unique blend of functionality and aesthetic appeal.

VisionAir-E’s technological journey is marked by a constant pursuit of excellence. The company’s research and development team has been relentless in their efforts to refine and enhance the capabilities of smart glass. As a result, VisionAir-E’s products have become synonymous with quality, efficiency, and sophistication

Innovative Product Range

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VisionAir-E’s product portfolio exemplifies the cutting-edge of smart glass technology, offering a range of solutions designed to revolutionize the interaction between space and functionality.

PDLC Technology: The Core of VisionAir-E

At the heart of VisionAir-E’s offerings is the innovative Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal (PDLC) technology. This technology enables glass to switch between transparent and opaque states instantly, offering privacy on demand. The PDLC technology is celebrated for its ability to reduce glare, offer UV protection, and improve energy efficiency, contributing significantly to both functional and environmental benefits​​.


A standout product in the VisionAir-E lineup, VISION Smart Film provides a unique blend of privacy and transparency. This film can be retrofitted to existing glass surfaces, instantly transforming them into smart surfaces. In its frosted state, the film acts as an electronic blind, offering privacy while still allowing natural light to permeate. It reduces solar gain by 40%, helping to maintain cooler internal temperatures. The film’s self-adhesive layer makes it an ideal retrofit option, adding UV protection and even transforming glass into a high-definition projection screen​​.


VISION SMART GLASS represents the advanced integration of smart technology into glass panels. Suitable for new installations, this smart glass offers the same switchable privacy features as the film but within a complete glass panel solution. It’s ideal for modern architectural applications where both aesthetics and functionality are key considerations​​​​.

VISION X and VISION XL Smart Glass

Building upon the standard smart glass technology, VISION X and VISION XL offer enhanced features for more demanding applications. These ranges provide larger panel sizes and advanced capabilities, suitable for expansive installations where visual impact is a priority. They are particularly relevant for high-end corporate environments, luxury residences, and any setting where large-scale, high-quality visual displays are required​​.

Each product in VisionAir-E’s catalog embodies the company’s dedication to innovation, quality, and sustainability. These smart glass solutions are not just products; they are transformative elements that redefine the potential of spaces, offering a harmonious blend of privacy, functionality, and aesthetic appeal.

Why Choose VisionAir-E?

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VisionAir-E stands at the vanguard of smart glass innovation, offering solutions that blend the best of technology and design to transform any space. Here are compelling reasons to choose VisionAir-E for your smart glass needs:

  1. Customizable and Versatile Solutions: Whether it’s VISION SMART FILM for retrofitting existing glass or VISION SMART GLASS for new installations, VisionAir-E offers a range of products that can be tailored to suit any environment or requirement, from corporate offices to luxury residences.
  2. Enhanced Energy Efficiency: VisionAir-E’s smart glass products significantly reduce solar gain and UV exposure, contributing to a more energy-efficient and comfortable environment. This not only leads to cost savings in heating and cooling but also promotes a sustainable living and working space.
  3. Ease of Installation and Use: Designed with user convenience in mind, VisionAir-E’s smart glass solutions are easy to install and operate. With options for manual, remote, and even voice-controlled operations, these products offer simplicity without compromising on sophistication.
  4. Aesthetic and Functional Elegance: With their sleek and modern design, VisionAir-E’s products are not just functional; they elevate the aesthetic appeal of any space. Their smart glass technology seamlessly integrates into various architectural styles, enhancing the overall visual experience.
  5. Reliable and Durable: Backed by years of research and development, VisionAir-E’s products are built to last. They are a testament to quality and reliability, ensuring long-term performance and satisfaction.
  6. Global Expertise, Local Understanding: With a strong presence across various global markets, VisionAir-E combines international expertise with a deep understanding of local needs, ensuring that each project is approached with a unique perspective and solution.

Choosing VisionAir-E means investing in a future where technology and design harmoniously coexist to create spaces that are not only smart but also intuitive and responsive to human needs.

C&C Technology Group is the Proud Partner of VisionAir-E

VisionAir-E is set to transform traditional spaces into dynamic environments with their smart glass technologies. Whether it’s for creating private spaces, reducing energy costs, or adding an aesthetic touch, VisionAir-E’s products offer innovative solutions for modern architectural needs.

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